For a Good Sleep and a Healthy Body Avoid Using Soap
If You are Tired don’t Use Soap
If you have trouble with sleeping try to eat honey before going to bed. After 20 minutes it enters our blood. In cases of chronic tiredness folk medicine recommend us to consume before our sleep one spoon of honey with lemon juice for a half glass of water. As it was established for people who suffer from chronic tiredness it is not recommended to wash with soap. Soap is a strong alkaline solution which penetrates our skin and increase the tiredness.
If it is necessary to use soap, after this it is recommended to dip your body or a part of your body into acidulous water. For the acidification of the water we may use lemon juice or apple vinegar.
The insufficiency of iodine in the organism may be another reason of chronic tiredness. In this case it is recommended to consume sea products, especially laminaria.
It’s also very important to know that some soap ingredients are really harmful for human organism. If you use soap you get closer to: fatigue, nausea, dizziness, migraines, rashes and eczema, sinus problems, dermatitis and the list may continue

Triclosan is used in many common household products, including Clearasil Daily Face Wash, Dentyl mouthwash, Dawn, the Colgate Total range, Crest Cavity Protection, Softsoap, Dial, Right Guard deodorant, Sensodyne Total Care, Old Spice, Mentadent, and Bath and Body works hand sanitizers
Triclosan is known as a cancerogen but still found in antibacterial soaps,body washes, creams, cosmetics, deodorants, cleaning supplies, lotions, detergents, dishwashing liquids, and mouthwash and toothpaste.
Try also to avoid soaps that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) wich is harmful for the brain, heart, spleen and liver and Fragrance which are
petroleum-based synthetic compounds.
For a good sleep and a healthy body avoid using soap or at least soaps with ‘bad ingredients’.
Hidden dangers of common things
Healthy and Natural Sleep Solutions for Insomnia
A man’s lifespan may shorten because of a lack of sleep, says a study reported in the medical journal Sleep
Health Risk Factors of Unhealthy Lifestyles
Chronic Fatigue a Real Disease
July 29 2009 07:45 am | Miscellaneous
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April 27th, 2010 at 9:23 am
Some interesting facts here, never knew eating honey could help you sleep and i most certainly didn’t know that about soap. thanks for sharing
May 19th, 2010 at 2:23 pm
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